The ward and operating theatres of the Mainz Children’s Hospital are connected by a 200-meter-long underground corridor. Sixteen graduate students developed a playful staging that turns transport to the operating theatre into a soothing experience. From now on a virtual paper airplane will take the young patient on a journey and fly over him or her on a modular cloud cover developed especially for this purpose. The “Tunnelflieger” project was first made tangible at the Rhineland-Palatinate Exhibition 2016 in the form of a walk-in model and was realized in 2019 at the Children’s Hospital in Mainz.

University of Applied Sciences Mainz

Team Graduates „Kommunikation im Raum“ 2015/16
Project Lead Prof. Bernd Benninghoff
Prof. Markus Pretnar
Media Informatics Prof. Holger Reckter
Assistant Benjamin Knichel
Site Management Mathias Ewald


Design Award Rhineland-Palatinate 2016

German Material Award “Materialpreis” 2017
